2. INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS. The moment when a cat on the subway goes from looking out the window to looking at its own reflection. Beautiful, poetic, and subtle.
3. ONLY GOD FORGIVES. If this was a gallery show of photography, every still would sell. That's how strong the tone of the film is, regardless of the weakness of the story.
4. WAKOLDA. Watching a plane fly over the mountains, knowing the suffering it leaves behind. Sad, frustrating, and somehow satisfying.
5. 3X3D: Being led through time by Peter Greenaway. Nothing is so colorful and rich.
6. BEHIND THE CANDELABRA. That wonderful moment when Michael Douglas ceases to be himself and becomes Liberace.
7. BASTARDS. Okay, not from the movie, but that thrilling moment when heroes (Catherine Deneuve and Jane Campion) are two feet away. I never thought I'd be so close to either of them, much less both at once.
8. JODOROWSKY'S DUNE: That moment when, between sadness and laughter, the realization comes that making movies is pure madness. Everyone on the Croisette is their own Don Quixote.
9. MANUSCRIPTS DON'T BURN. Knowing that a story is so important, so compelling, that a filmmaker (who has been banned by the government from making films) is literally risking his life to tell a story.