One thing that I have learned in the last week: some props are a giant pain. Most of you haven't read the script, but I will tell you that our magician's signature trick is catching bullets. Therefore, a gun is necessary. I can't even begin to tell you how much it freaks me out to imagine pointing a gun at someone, but I wrote it into the script without a second thought. Seriously, it's going to be cool, but I didn't really know the logistics of the whole thing. So here's a little education.
If you have a gun on a set, you have to notify EVERYONE. Makes sense, right? No problem. But aside from that, if you have a REAL gun, you have to hire someone who has special certification for "Gun Handling", who will make sure that it's not actually loaded, is working correctly, and so on. And let me tell you, those people don't come cheap. Granted, I would much rather have a qualified professional on hand than have a terrible accident any day. Life has no price tag. Seriously. But since I'm not exactly flush with cash, I'm going with option #2, which is a toy gun. Perhaps less cool or less realistic, but safer, easier, cheaper, and definitely more comfortable for me. Like I said, the whole gun thing freaks me out. Maybe I'm like my characters more than I thought.
I don't know how all those 'shoot 'em up' movies do it.