Halloween. I'm not going to lie, Halloween gives me anxiety. I'm not sure where this comes from, but I get very anxious wondering what I should dress up as for Halloween, and if I should even bother thinking about it, since I haven't even decided if I'm going to go to any parties or not. This isn't like Labor Day or Memorial Day, where the holiday happens and you don't have to plan for it. You really have to plan for Halloween. Costumes take time and planning. And since I still harbor feelings of inadequacy stemming from being different as a kid, I have to have a "cool" costume. Plus I wear glasses. That means no masks, no makeup on my face, nothing that people might not "get", and nothing that will make it difficult to talk, see, eat, sit, and won't make me look like a moron outside on the street. I like Halloween "cute". Yes, this is stressful. No, I don't know what I'm going to be this year. Yes, I'm a lunatic.

Some might ask why I would subject myself to such madness. Can't you just write normal, like everyone else? I can hear them saying it in their heads. I can hear you, too. But the truth is, I am motivated my challenges. And deadlines. And this has both. I have also discovered that the folks at the non-profit that is NaNoWriMo (check it out, they do some great stuff) has created a community that is supportive and wonderful, full of authors and hobbyists just trying to get to 50K. Some people are veterans, while others are newbies. I still consider myself a newbie, since I've only "won" once, but I'll keep doing it.
So what am I working on this year? I'm working on another YA novel about a young girl who is sent to live with her weird, eccentric and single aunt for the summer. No, it isn't fantasy. Although with a log line like that, it does sound like it is, doesn't it? Maybe that's what I should figure out on a different book. But not this one. Anyway, I'm still outlining (yes, I outline. It is the cornerstone of being able to finish), but I have high hopes for this one, and I'm excited about it. It's called Summer of Cake. I'll keep you updated as I go along during the month through my newsletter. If you haven't signed up for it yet, you can do so here.
So, over the next anxiety-ridden week, I'll be planning. Planning my costume and my book. What could be better, right?