A few years ago, I discovered something called 750words.com. It was during a time that I was trying to get in the habit of writing, and coming up a bit short. It seemed like I was getting nowhere, making no progress, and this whole writing thing was just some silly pipe dream cooked up by someone who didn't want to work at a job anymore. So what's 750 words?
It's a website. But it's really more than that. It's based on the idea of "Morning Pages", which anyone who is familiar with The Artist's Way will recognize. 750 words is roughly 3 pages of writing, so a couple of geniuses created a place where you could write your 750 words, keep it, and not worry about accidentally hitting 'publish', and therefore exposing the world to your rambling. It's not a blog. It's a journal. It tracks days you write, how much you write, and how long you take. It even tracks the words you use, and what you write about, and the positivity or negativity (read: optimism/pessimism) of what you're writing. I'm not sure if it really matters, but at the very least, it's interesting, and gives you insight into what is going on in your head.
I decided to give it a try. It's $5 bucks a month, but I'd say it's totally worth it. I started writing. I wrote a few days, then forgot a day. And since it keeps track of the consecutive days you write, I had to start back at zero. Going backwards has never appealed to me, so I started again the next day with new zeal. And I wrote that day. And the next, and the next, and the next.
I wrote for nearly a year straight. Every day. At least 750 words. And somewhere in that time, something else opened up. I finished my novel. I wrote a short story. I wrote a short script. I wrote a TV script. I wrote a feature film script. And I was inundated with other ideas. So many ideas, I had to write faster to get to them all. And I'm still writing.
These days, I tend to write less in 750 words, but I still hang on to it for those days when my writing needs to be more like journaling. I still try to write every day, because I learned that those 750 words actually mean something. Writing means something. Your thoughts mean something. So if you're struggling to write, or even struggling to know what's in your head and clear things out, this is a good place to start. And $5 a month is the cheapest therapy there is.