Anyway, I’ll just have to take my rests where I can, and that way my cast and crew will be in for a great shoot where everything goes quickly and smoothly. Never underestimate the power of preparation, kids. It’ll save you lots of tears and lots of money. And you might even get to keep all your friends, too.
Photos from GotCredit, Thomas Leth-Olsen, Celestine Chua, Found Animals, procsilas, numberstumper, George Vnoucek, Leyram Odacrem, One Way Stock, hardi_wb, Rennett Stowe, quinet, rashanahb, rich701, mayrpamintuan, Gavin St. Ours, Aimee Custis, ilovememphis, ikewinski, Môsieur J. [version 8.0], Darwin Bell, Ack Ook