So a few years ago, I moved into a house with a giant yard. Well, giant by San Diego standards. I really had no idea what I was getting into, but it seemed so wonderful that I was going to have a yard to lounge around in, much like I had as a kid. I never considered the idea that the parents made that yard happen, and I was just a dumb kid that got to play there. Now that I don't live with Mom and Dad, I have to do all that work myself, so there isn't much lounging going on. Add to that that the previous owners stopped watering months before I moved in, and by the time I moved in, all I had was a bunch of dead grass and a whole lotta weeds.
So, I've struggled to get it back into some sort of shape, and I'm actually pretty proud of how far I've come with limited time and a limited budget. I've definitely learned a lot about how to keep things going and alive, and how to work smarter, not harder. I'm still a long way from that dream of lounging around without a care in the world, but it's getting there little by little. So this is the blog about me trying to get there. Get to that paradisiacal garden of my dreams, where I can sit in nature, sipping a cool cocktail, admiring the synergy of nature and I working together harmoniously, with the birds and bees flitting busily around me and the pup. Hopefully there will be some lessons in here that will save some poor soul from making at least one of the mistakes I'm going to be making. Happy gardening!