Bad Blood
Synopsis: Calafia is the top Beta of Pendleton City, the walled-in territory that was formerly Tijuana, San Diego, and Los Angeles. This drought-ridden megalopolis is protected by the Betas, soldiers grown from infancy to be better, faster, and stronger than normal people, and therefore surrendered by their parents, hoping for a better life for their children.
Except Calafia was never surrendered, she was kidnapped.
That kidnapping tore two brothers apart, and fifteen years later, Calafia’s parents reluctantly join forces with the growing rebel movement as a means to reclaim her. The history she knows nothing about will have far-reaching impacts for Pendleton City and its inhabitants, pitting Beta against Beta, rebel against rebel, and brother against brother.
Except Calafia was never surrendered, she was kidnapped.
That kidnapping tore two brothers apart, and fifteen years later, Calafia’s parents reluctantly join forces with the growing rebel movement as a means to reclaim her. The history she knows nothing about will have far-reaching impacts for Pendleton City and its inhabitants, pitting Beta against Beta, rebel against rebel, and brother against brother.